Festival of the Unexceptional

Try our slightly mediocre quiz on the 2021 Hagerty Festival of the Unexceptional

by Hagerty
6 August 2021 1 min read
Try our slightly mediocre quiz on the 2021 Hagerty Festival of the Unexceptional
Photos: Matt Howell and Nick Chivers

The Hagerty Festival of the Unexceptional is unquestionably (assuming you don’t question it) the world’s greatest car concours. A show for extra-ordinary ordinary cars, cars that are as marvellously mundane as a Rich Tea biscuit. And more often than not, their peers have succumbed to the dreaded tin worm or scrappage scheme, crumbling like said biscuit being dunked in a cuppa for too long.

These are the cars that have been part of the fabric of our great nation over many decades. They have been mum’s car, dad’s car, Uncle Tony’s car, company cars, first cars, second-hand cars, project cars, and now, of all things, classic cars.

And goodness gracious, you lovely people love them. We saw a record number of cars displayed at the 2021 Hagerty Festival of the Unexceptional – more than 2000 – and everyone had a story to share about one unexceptional car or another. To see how much attention you were paying, and test your general knowledge of this curiously quirky scene we all so enjoy being a part of, take our quiz on the 2021 Hagerty Festival of the Unexceptional!

#1. The judges' decision was final. But can you name this pair of likely lads who were two of the judging committee?

Flooded it! Try again.

#2. Feast your eyes on Elsie, a 1989 Ford Escort Popular. In a word, describe the trim level.

Flooded it! Try again.

#3. The 2021 Hagerty Festival of the Unexceptional was won by this 1989 Proton 1.5 GL Black Knight Edition. A total of 201 were sold; how many are left?

You flooded it! Try again.

#4. Faster than a speeding bullet – but can you name that car?

You flooded it! Try again.

#5. Marvellous outfits. And an equally marvellous Citroen GS. Which year was it registered?

Flooded it! Try again.

#6. Which generation of Renault Espace is this?

Flooded it! Try again.

#7. Which work of art in plastic does this interior belong to?

Flooded it! Try again.

#8. Kia can look back with pride at its journey in the UK, but when did it start selling cars here?

Flooded it! Try again.

#9. What a perky pair… of cars. Which trim level is that lovely little 1989 Ford Fiesta?

Flooded it! Try again.

#10. Such is the popularity of Hagerty's Festival of the Unexceptional that it attracts drivers of genuine classics, modern-classics and new cars too. What's the silver car ahead of the Toyota RAV4?

Flooded it! Try again.



A marvellously mediocre performance. Give yourself a gentle pat on the back, but don’t get too carried away.

Oh dear. Call yourself a fan of the everyday and ordinary? The shame! It’s alright – you can have another go.

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