
Hagerty’s Drive It Day Competition

by Calum Brown
23 April 2021 1 min read
Hagerty’s Drive It Day Competition

With COVID restrictions on larger gatherings still in place, we thought we’d set you all a photography challenge while you’re out driving your classics this weekend. So put on your thinking caps (and your driving gloves) and submit us your take on the following photo themes:

  1. A photo of your vehicle in a typical British motoring context – Be that with a gingham picnic spread or hidden from torrential rain!
  2. A photo of your car in a new light – This could be headlights, street lights, the more inventive the better.
  3. A photo with your vehicle alongside a matching model – Perhaps you’ve got a toy copy of whats hidden in your garage, or perhaps you’re keen to make one…
  4. Your vehicle from a new angle – Above, below or anything outside the box.

Take your photo and submit it on our Facebook or Twitter pages along with the corresponding number for the challenge, and we’ll pick our favourite.

One winner from each category will WIN a goodie bag of petrolhead prizes including a Lego set, car care items and more great gifts. You can submit as many times as you like. So get out, take some photos and most of all enjoy the ride!

Competition is open to UK entrants only. We’ll announce the winners on social media and send a direct message after the competition closes. Winners have 48 hours to respond or we’ll redraw. Competition ends 30th April.

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