“And now for something completely different…” Car park and village green car shows have their supporters. But many people prefer seeing cars in action at historic events like the Silverstone Classic and Goodwood Revival. Hagerty’s John Mayhead and Charlie Patterson, along with Ed Legge from Classic & Sports Finance, explore what they like (and don’t like) about car shows
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car shows are two things, cars & there owners.Events like the walled garden offer a chance for a picnic and time to chat to other like minded owners with arrange of cars in rough to pristine condition its a matter of individual taste and choice of event.
Go to The Kop Hill Climb if you want to see 100’s of classic cars (and bikes) in action. Your average car show is indeed boring in comparison!
Oh yes, shows are boring. Why move to see an XKE Or the 64 th 308 ? Classic cars of interest are one or two hundreds. We saw each of them many times. Naturally, if a 57 C or a GTO is exhibited, it worth the trip. Elsewhere… Let’s stay home and read a book… about classic cars.