1948 Austin A125

Sheerline Saloon 4 L

Vehicle values by condition

Condition 4
#4 cars are daily drivers, with flaws visible to the naked eye. The chrome might have pitting or scratches, the windshield might be chipped.
Condition 3
#3 cars could possess some, but not all of the issues of a #4 car, but they will be balanced by other factors such as a fresh paint job or a new, correct interior.
Condition 2
#2 cars could win a local or regional show. They can be former #1 cars that have been driven or have aged. Seasoned observers will have to look closely for flaws.
Condition 1
#1 vehicles are the best in the world. The visual image is of the best car, unmodified, in the right colours, driving onto the lawn at the finest concours.
Insurance premium for a
1948 Austin A125 Sheerline Saloon 3995
valued at £8,400
£109.03 / year*

History of the 1948 - 1954 Austin A125

Austin Sheerline A110 and A125, 1947 to 1954

The Austin Sheerline was introduced in October 1947 at the same time as the Austin Princess. The Sheerline first used a 3,460cc OHV straight-six engine (designated the A110) but this was soon replaced by the standardised 3,993cc, 125bhp OHV engine (A125; it is noted that 'the few produced in 3 1/2-Litre form were converted to 4-litre standard'.)

The Sheerline has a single Stromberg carburettor in comparison to the Princess's three SU units and had traditional semi-razor edge bodywork and separate but enormous Lucas P100 headlamps. The car was very well fitted and furnished, and in October 1949 the range was expanded to include an eight-seater limousine (designated the DM1) which had a huge 11-foot wheelbase. The latetr had a list price of £2,126 and was discontinued in October 1953; the standard A125 Sheerline lasted until August 1954 and had a list price of £1,828.

Today, the Austin Sheerline is a rare car, but their grandeaur and styling makes them popular wedding cars. Parts are available including complete Princess/ Sheerline engines that appear on auction sites, and there are some crossover parts with other Austin models and later Jensens, but new parts will require some hunting for.

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